Missing out on the recommended seven to nine hours’ worth of sleep per night can really be detrimental to your health, especially if it’s a prolonged issues that stretches weeks or months. If we don’t get the sleep our body needs, it can lead to weight gain, memory and critical thinking issues, and premature skin aging—not to mention feeling tired and sluggish all the time!

With that in mind, Kingston Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing is here to provide you with five tricks that might help your body prepare better for rest so you can get the sleep you need.

  1. Maintain a Clean Sleeping Environment

This is one to pay attention to if you aren’t one to wash your blankets and decorative pillows regularly. Allergies to pets, dust mites, mold, and more can really interfere with your sleep, especially if the allergens are close to your nose and mouth. Some tips to combat this include keeping the pets out of the bedroom, use a nasal spray before bed, wash your sheets and blankets regularly, and consider getting a hypoallergenic cover for your pillow that is also washable.

  1. Set a Cut-Off for Caffeine

If you’re having trouble falling asleep regularly, examine your caffeine intake. Most experts recommend cutting off by lunchtime or 2 p.m. at the latest. Besides the jitters, overloading on caffeine can also force you to get up several times during the night to use the bathroom.

  1. Aromatherapy

Studies show that scents can help you drift to sleep. Lavender, in particular, is seen as very effective, as research found that lavender essential oils can help reduce anxiety and improve quality of sleep.

  1. Record Your Sleep Times

If you can’t figure out what might be affecting your sleep, keep a sleep diary. Several online apps can accomplish this (one is called SleepBot). In addition to helping you figure out reasons for poor sleep, it gives tips to improve your rest time.

  1. Wind Down Before Bed

If you tend to stay busy right up until the second you go to sleep, you may struggle to drift asleep. Set the phone down (unless you’re listening to relaxing music), read a book, meditate, or even try an adult coloring book to help turn off your mind.


To learn more about Kingston Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://kingston-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/.